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Body Contouring

Body contouring helps treat skin or fat excess as well as filling in deficient areas on the hips or butt. Modern techniques seek to yield a more athletic shape that is aesthetic over a wider range of body weights. Lifts, tucks, liposuction and fat grafting or Bodytite radiofrequency are all in the toolkit in our clinic.

Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty deals with excess skin, folds and lax core muscles in a synergistic approach that improves the contour and restores functional strength to the area. It is often combined with liposuction to create a 360 degree correction of the trunk for the best shape in the long run.

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BBL Fat Grafting

BBL or buttock fat grafting has evolved significantly over the past few years. It can help fill in the “hip dips” or create more curve to a flat butt. Reshaping the buttock for a more natural hourglass appearance can significantly improve the contour and results of hip and back liposuction.

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Liposuction is a minimally invasive technique to remove unwanted fat and create a better shape. I specialize in combining traditional liposuction, Vaser liposuction, Body and Facetite as well as the SAFE lipo techniques pioneered by Dr. Simeon Wall to aim for a smooth and nicely contoured shape.

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Arm Lift

Upper arm fullness or loose skin is annoying and at times uncomfortable. We use the options of liposuction, Vaser, Bodytite and direct excision to create the plan for the best contour in the upper arm area.

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Medial Thigh Lift

Medial thigh laxity and knee fullness is a common problem. Liposuction with Bodytite skin tightening or direct excision can help improve the contour in this area. In cases of severe skin laxity, we have the option of a surgical tightening to improve circumferential contour and wrinkling.

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