Dr. Stan spends time traveling each year to international meetings to learn new techniques and find the best technology to assist in patient education, surgical planning and modern patient/surgeon communication.
Vectra 3D Imaging
I bought the Vectra system 7 years ago and simply love it. It scans our patients area of concern and creates a 3D simulation on the computer that can be used to discuss problem areas and then simulate the contour correction with breast implants or lifts, liposuction and tummy tuck. It is probably the best advance in helping patients make the best decision regarding surgery and allows us to review and discuss the options in a relaxed, informative and visual manner.

Touch MD is a patient portal that lets us share all our teaching media, pre and post op instructions, and all your photos or Vectra simulations in a secure way that you can access at home on you mobile device or computer. You can upload photos from home detailing your healing and progress. We are rolling this out over the next 2 months.